Monday 29 September 2014

Dynamic PPC | Dynamic Keyword Insertion - Gaurav Dubey

Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI)

Dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) is a feature offered by Google AdWords and other ad networks which allows you to customize an ad to a searcher's search query. In this tutorial you'll learn:
  • A more in-depth definition of dynamic keyword insertion.
  • A synopsis of why AdWords dynamic keyword insertion matters to you and your pay-per-click campaigns.
  • An explanation of the pros and cons of dynamic keyword insertion, with advice on how and when to use the option in your AdWords campaigns.

Dynamic keyword insertion allows you to show searchers a more relevant ad, since the ad is dynamically updated to include the user's search query.
Google defines it as:
Keyword insertion is an advanced feature that helps you provide users with more relevant ad text while using a single generic ad for multiple keywords. AdWords will insert individual keywords into the same ad text so that a user sees a distinct ad for their keyword search, if their keyword triggers one of your ad group keywords.
Google defines Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) as “an advanced AdWords feature that dynamically updates your ad text to include one of your keywords that matches a customer's search terms.” PPC marketers know it as putting those funny little brackets and the word “Keyword” into the ad copy so that the search term will show up within the body of the ad.

Best Practices for Dynamic Keyword Insertion

          Some quick notes on making the most of DKI:

  • Be conscious of character limits. You have 25 characters in the headline and 35 in the body lines of your ad. Make sure your terms will fit within those constraints.
  • Pay attention to capitalization. Best practice dictates that we capitalize each term in a headline to maximize CTR. However, there may be times that you do not want every term capitalized. Capitalizing the K or W in Keyword will determine the formatting of your phrase capitalization. (More on how capitalization for DKI works here.)
  • DKI can be very effective, but doesn’t make sense in every instance. A clear example of this is bidding on competitors’ branded terms – Walmart wouldn’t want the brand name “Target” showing up in its ads because of DKI.
  • While DKI is most commonly used in the headline or body of an ad, it can also be applied to the display URL of an ad. I have noticed particularly strong results when placing the script in the Headline or body in combination with the URL. This gives the ad an increased relevance to the search term that will make it stand out to the user.
  • When using DKI in the URL, be aware that things such as spaces and special characters will not appear and can make your URL look flawed.
  • Use the ad preview tool in the AdWords interface for an advance peek at how your ad copy will display in the SERPs.


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